You’re Tired of Struggling. But You Don’t Know How To Create the #ActorsLife You Actually Want. It’s Time You Met Actor to Artist.

For Rebellious Actors who want to break free from the struggle, Actor to Artist is a new kind of acting method that helps you attract work you actually want, just by changing how you approach your craft, career and creative power.


Skyrocket Your Impact on the Industry Without Selling Your Soul

The only way most actors know how to stand-out is to squeeze themselves into an industry-defined box and pound it home until (hopefully) someone notices. Get new headshots! Make a new reel! Look at me! I can do this, this and this! Why won’t anyone hire me? Do all sorts of shiny, splashy, surface-level things. And maybe even have an agent who supports them and their passions wholeheartedly. Could you imagine? But in the meantime—[plants feet firmly back in reality], you’re left at the mercy of taking on work, any work, just hoping to get a bite of creative fulfillment and artistic success. Maybe even a nibble. You’ll take a nibble! You need to get noticed and book work that inspires you — and hopefully feeds your soul, too. Enter: A little thing we like to call Leap from Actor to Artist. 


Supercharge Your Artistic Discipline, Blindfolded 

Our PLAYsCPLINE (playful discipline) method turns a face-planting, overwhelmed, guilt-ridden actor into a supercharged Rebel-Actor, an agent of their own accountability that works their #actorskitchen (ya know, your instrument: body, voice, energy, imagination, emotion) on autopilot. We specialize in giving you the tools, tactics, and thought patterns that enable you to drop being an aimless employee of your career and step into Artistic Director. The result? An instant sense of power, purpose and progress by executively producing your artistic life. 


Relax, Knowing Y

ou Don’t Need to Be Addicted to the Grind to Thrive 

Things you can stop worrying about: feeling guilty for burnout; feeling shame for not doing enough; frustration at not knowing how to fix it; stress from balancing too many side jobs, leaving you with no energy and a hopeless horizon. Instead, enjoy a buzzing artistic career full of life. Wake up and look forward to creating on your terms and connect with like-hearted partners from around the globe (yay ensemble!). Greet new collaborators, agents, and directors with enthusiasm and generosity. Treat yourself to a day off—or maybe even a week. Look over your projects and pursuits and smile. Book more work that inspires you. Save money for fun. Feel prepared and in harmony with your dreams, for the first time ever. And know that your artistic autonomy is powering all of this, like a perfectly tuned instrument –and even when you rest? Your artist is aligned.  


You No Longer Have to Feel Guilty in Front of Your Peers, Your Family or Yourself for Not Doing Enough 

You won’t have to endure awkward conversations with your friends who are booking work, you won’t have to fidget when family members ask how your career is going, you won’t have to scroll through Instagram and see other creatives living their best life while you’re stuck in the same place year after year. All you have to do is put our Actor to Artist system in motion, and watch as your unique individuality, inspired routine and fully integrated Rebel-Actor’s instrument turns the heads of your peers, your family and the Industry. Because who doesn’t want recognition for their gifts without doing that much differently? Get Actor to Artist, and let us escort you to your dream #actorslife.

“Sera was able to intuitively tap in to exactly what I needed to uncover and discover. She held space in such a safe, authentic and tender way and I felt so held and seen.”

— Ella Lynch, Actress & Narrator


with EFT Tapping

FINALLY! Manifest your BIG artistic DREAMs the easy way. Go beyond the mind, into the body & unlock multidimensional transformation in every aspect of your Creative Being so you can bring your Artistic Visions into form today—it's free!

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